Thursday, November 30, 2023


 Just checking in to say I am still alive but less active here, obviously.  You can find my more recent art posts on social media, especially Instagram @jwogaman.  But you may also see more here in the near future.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Happy Holidays 2020

Here's the winter holiday card image for 2020. This is my first holiday card created entirely in Procreate on my new iPad Pro. 

I had some ideas that would have captured the craziness of this year, but decided against them in favor of something cozy and peaceful.  I send my card to about 50 people and I haven't kept up with all of them over the course of the year.  There's a good chance that a few of them are in a very bad place right now.  An image of a tree with Covid-shaped ornaments might not go over too well.

I hope you are reading this post from a safe and healthy place. If not, I hope the new year brings healing and hope. 

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Pandemic pen-n-inking

I drew the image above first in pencil, then inked it with a Pigma Micron size 01 pen in an old hard-sided wirebound sketchbook with good quality, acid-free pages (maybe a Strathmore 400 series?). It's not for a particular project. Just for fun. We're all a bit more trapped indoors these days. So to keep from being driven too crazy by that, I'm doing drawings that play up how cozy and inviting home can be. 

Friday, December 20, 2019

Happy Holidays 2019!

This year's card image -- elves on the bookshelves.  Hand drawn on paper with Pigma Micron pens in various sizes.  The touches of color are watercolor.  The greeting inside is a simple "Happy Holidays!" in the same red that the elves are wearing.  Once again, the printer of choice was

Friday, December 21, 2018

Friday, December 15, 2017

Holiday card 2017

Here is this year's holiday card image. The inside of the card reads: Knit a New Year!

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Holiday Card 2015

This year's holiday greeting card image:
That's old fashioned pen and ink with watercolor.  No digital enhancements.

I ordered the cards from, and I couldn't be happier.  The greeting I chose for inside this year is "Happy Winter!" Not everyone on my list celebrates holidays in December, but they all live in the northern hemisphere.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

This year's Christmas card

Here's what I've been working on today:

For my personal 2014 Christmas cards.  It took me a long time to come up with an idea for an image for this year's card.  I drew pages and pages of sketches of pffft before I settled on this.  Don't ask me how I came to think of doing a watercolor of Tudor style birdhouses, but once I landed on the idea, I knew it was the one.

Monday, November 24, 2014

New Zazzle shop

I have a new Zazzle shop at*

I have only posted two products so far -- a greeting card and a coffee mug -- both using the same holiday card image from 2011 (see below).  I am assured by the Zazzle website elves that the products will appear in my shop within the next 24 hours.

I created the shop for folks who've told me they'd like to be able to order batches of Christmas cards with this image.  If any of you do end up ordering them, please let me know about your experience dealing with Zazzle and your impression of the quality of their products.  I hope to be adding more items to the shop on a regular basis, but only if the company produces quality products and treats its customers well.

Now I'm off to design a Christmas card for my own use this year...

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas!

This year's Christmas card image, brought to you by a combination of pencil sketching, Corel Painter 12, and Photoshop.  Have wonderful holidays, everyone!


 Just checking in to say I am still alive but less active here, obviously.  You can find my more recent art posts on social media, especiall...